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Sunday, February 24, 2013
First question: How will they get us to buy into such a radical transformation of our way of life? How will they get us into these government housing tenements?
Answer: Social Justice. They’re already infiltrating our churches and indoctrinating our youth so that their agenda will have momentum with easily influenced and impressionable kids and adults. We’re well aware that Progressives have been pushing the Social Justice mantra and making it sound altruistic, but what does Social Justice really mean and what does it look like? They won’t tell us, but Al Sharpton told his congregation. Listen closely and really think about what he’s saying. “The dream was to make everything equal in everybody’s house.”
So you see… herding us into government tenements equalizes everyone’s “social class” by making everything equal in everybody’s house. Social Justice is achieved when your home is just like mine and everyone else’s. It doesn’t mean we’ll all have a nice home; it means we’ll all be stacked and packed into homes that are the same – “equal.” Van Jones describes the social equalization of Social Justice too.
Second question: What about our right to own property? They cannot take private property from its rightful owner, can they?
Answer: Yes, they can and they are. Laws and Executive Orders have been enacted and many people are already losing their property through eminent domain, greenlining and oppressive environmental regulations which make it cost prohibitive for them to comply or legally fight it in the courts. The relative few who are able to fight and win are throwing a monkey wrench into Agenda 21, but until Progressives can eliminate our property rights altogether, they’ll keep tightening the noose.
Again, we’ve noticed all the recent talk about our Constitution being outdated and in need of a re-write. Notice that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, owned by our Federal Government, are accumulating nearly all home mortgages and foreclosures in America. Our government has over 3,000 public housing agencies in the U.S. and Fannie and Freddie already instituted a ‘Deed to Lease’ program whereby homeowners turn their deed over to the government and rent their property from the government. Slowly but surely, they’re already taking possession of private property. And under Obama, they’ve been buying up land at break-neck speed.
Obama just enacted EO 13575, bringing the full weight and power of the entire Federal Government to bear as they begin to tighten the squeeze on 16% of our population who live in rural America. Why? They need to vacate those people so that they can take over all rural areas in America.
Third question: If a person doesn’t have a mortgage because they paid off their house/land, won’t they be safe?
Answer: The goal of our government is to make it cost prohibitive for you to hold onto your land. Whether they fight you through eminent domain, skyrocketing property taxes or regulations that are too costly for you to comply with, they will do whatever is necessary to exhaust your financial resources so that you’re left with no choice but to eventually walk away from your property.
Another tactic at their disposal is a “man-caused disaster.” That’s right. They could flood your land in order to displace you and then swoop in and offer you pennies on the dollar to take it off your hands. Hey, wait a minute… they’re already doing that. Yes, George Soros is already buying up the farm land that the government flooded when they exploded the dams in our heartland. Slowly but surely and through whatever means necessary, they will continue to make progress in acquiring the vast majority of all land in America – of which they already own at least 40%.
Fourth question: You mention food, healthcare and a job for everyone; isn’t that a good thing?
Answer: In short, food and healthcare will be rationed; you’ll receive only what they allow you to have. Your job will be what they tell you your job is.
For example, have you wondered why Michelle Obama has made it her mission to change the way we think about food despite the fact that so many of our daughter’s suffer from eating disorders because they won’t eat? She’s preparing us for food rationing by nudging us away from the foods we may enjoy most, while at the same time using the full weight (pardon the pun) of the White House to strong-arm those who sell food into limiting our choices. Mayor Bloomberg’s ban on salt fits nicely into their plan to recondition us. And wasn’t it Michelle Obama who said, “We are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversations; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history.” Separately, these things don’t seem like much, but when you know the agenda that’s at work, you’re able to see how these things fit into the overall plan.
Healthcare rationing has been taken care of with Obamacare and the 15-member panel of bureaucrats who will decide what care we will and won’t receive. And it’s no accident that Obamacare also cuts half a trillion from Medicare, enabling the start of rationing for our elderly in 2014.
Jobs will be assigned by the government and many of us will work to provide the food, healthcare and maintenance of the tenements that’s needed to sustain ourselves and those in our city. I’m sure we won’t be doing these jobs to earn a paycheck. We’ll do them in exchange for the food, home and healthcare they permit us to have. If we object, they’ll withhold those things from us and our family until we no longer object.
Fifth question: That’s slavery. How can they possibly keep us under control and prevent us from protesting?
Answer: Why would our President need a national civilian security force? To keep us under control. If this seems unbelievable, ask yourself: “Why did Obama say this?” He said it, not us.
Sixth question: If they get us into these tenement cities and keep us there, what will they be doing?
Answer: Here’s my guess… all my research and the use of good common sense tells me that they’ll be harvesting the bounty of natural resources that exist in abundance right here in America. Oil, natural gas, water, you name it. Using workers from other countries, they’ll be extracting our natural resources and selling them to the highest bidder on the international market. They’re already establishing Foreign Trade Zones, selling off our land to China and Russia, and granting citizenship through the EB-5 visa program so their laborers can work in our country.
Meanwhile, we’re aware that Obama’s working to collapse our economy, de-industrialize our country, and weaken our military and civilian defenses. Those are certainly essential components to achieving the goals and objectives of Agenda 21. Bring Americans to their knees and they’ll cry out to government for help. We already know the framework they’re putting in place, so they’ll usher the rest of us right into it.
There are other important aspects like monitoring our communication, rationing our energy usage, education, and population control that I haven’t yet touched on, but my goal in this article is to enable you to envision what their plan is and how they’re getting us there through things they’re already doing. Please do your own research; you’ll see that these things are truly happening and, as Progressives do, they make it available for us to see if we choose to look. Agenda 21 isn’t a theory and it’s not a conspiracy; it’s out in the open and being put in place. Item 2 below even shows you the kind of dog and pony show they put on in communities to get your buy in… so they can say the people in the community agreed.
Seventh question: What can we do to stop this?
Answer: Learn as much as you can, get involved locally and tell your neighbors
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